
Peanut -Thai Inspired Noodles!

Yum! Anything with a hint of peanut butter is good! For this dish you will only need a few products then add away with just about any veggies. First off, prepare your noodles. I generally use Shiraki noodles but some people use a high fiber noodle, wheat noodle or miracle noodles. Just about anything will work for this dish! Then make your peanuty sauce:

4 tablespoons Bragg's Liquid Aminos or Low-Sodium soy sauce of choice
1 tablespoon melted peanut butter or PB2 reconsituted in a dab of water
1 packet sweetner of choice

MIX! I added some broccoli and scallions but whatever you want to add would work great. If I had some spouts I would have tossed those in. Next time I will be adding tofu to my peanuty goodness.