
Low Carb Meatless Spaghetti Dish

2 packages Shiraki Noodles
1 small can No Salt Added Tomato Sauce
1 shallot or onion (I used Melissa's brand)
Handful of mushrooms
Galaxy grated Parmesan topping (YUM!)

Boil noodles for about 5 minutes, rinse, pat dry and set aside. Saute the shallot* with the mushrooms, then add sauce. Let simmer and season. Add the noodles to the pan and let it get hot with the lid on stirring frequently.Top with Galaxy Foods grated Parmesan topping (2 tsps only 15 calories).
*As a member of the onion family, Melissa’s French Shallots are tender intexture, mild in flavor (less pungent than the onion), and quick-cooking. (From Melissa's website)