
Fragrant, sweet and unaware!

Ignorance is NOT bliss! Red Ape Cinnamon is! I use cinnamon all the time. Toast, pancakes, puddings, coffee drinks-- you name it I will put cinnamonon it. I thought that cinnamon was cinnamon and it was all the same. I would literally walk into the store and buy what was on sale thinking there was no difference. When I made my first protein pancake with this Red Ape Cinnamon I was amazed at the flavor. I couldn't believe what a HUGE taste this spice had and taking a quick trip to their website I found out why: "Red Ape Cinnamon™ is sustainably harvested in Indonesia from Cassia Cinnamon trees that are at least 20 years old. The Volatile Oil (V.O.) content is much higher in older trees resulting in a higher quality cinnamon." "You will notice that Red Ape Cinnamon™ is a lighter reddish brown color than the darker cinnamon you are accustomed to seeing. Only the pure inner cinnamon bark is ground and the extra outer bark that would normally dilute the final powder is disposed of. It is because of this grinding process that our cinnamon delivers a more intense cinnamon flavor experience." On top of that-- "5% of profits from sales of our cinnamon will be donatedto programs dedicated to the protection and restoration of orangutan (a.k.a. The Red Ape) habitat in Indonesia"

If you are a cinnamon fan please give this a try. Your tastebuds will thank you and you will be helping out the Red Apes while you are at it!