
Out of Season Fruit

There isn't really a day that goes by that I don't crave strawberries. I love them! I mostly eat them plain but they are so great in recipes as well. Yum! When they are not in season though the stock at the store usually leaves much to be desired in both taste and price. There is a solution! North Bay Trading Company is a family owned, organic company located right here in Wisconsin. They have a variety of freeze + air dried fruits and veggies as well as soups and wild rice on their site. The nice thing about these berries is that you can eat them exactly how they are but they also have directions for hydrating them to use other ways. They keep good for up to 24 months in the reclosable packaging (not that you could resist them for this long). So far, I ate the berries and the bag was chock full of high quality sliced strawberries. Check them out:

Get these now and bring a little summer into the cold winter months!